The Rage Against God

The rage against God, how atheism led me to faith, © 2010 by Pe ter Hitchens is a personal memoir of the writer’s rejection of God in his youth and his return to faith years later. He tells how the rejection of God in British society has led to moral decay and gives a rebuttal of some of his brother Christopher’s diatribes against God and Christianity.

Since the Church of England is the official state church and was closely tied to the political and military establishments, the faults and failures, real and perceived, of these establishments also brought the church into disrepute. The church’s attempts to become more relevant have only accelerated the decline. Having grown up in the Anglican Church of Canada myself, I  readily identified with his description of the strengths and weaknesses of Anglicanism.

Here is a quote from the introduction to whet your appetite:

“The difficulty of the anti-theists begin when they try to engage with anyone who does not agree with them, when their reaction is oftem a frustrated rage that the rest of us are so stupid. But what if that is not the problem? Their refusal to accept that others might be as intelligent as they, yet disagree, leads them into many snares.

“I tend to sympathize with them. I too have been angry with opponents who required me to re-examine opinions I had embraced more through passion than through reason. I too have felt the unsettling lurch beneath my feet as the solid ground of my belief has shifted. I do not know whether they have also experienced what often follows—namely, a long self-deceiving attempt to ignore truths that would unsettle a position in which I had long been comfortable; in some ways even worse, it was a position held by almost everyone I knew, liked, or respected—people who would be shocked and perhaps hostile, mocking, or contemptuous if I gave in to my own reason. But I suspect that they have experienced this form of doubt, and I suspect that the hot and stinging techniques of their argument, the occasional profanity and the persistent impatience and scorn are as useful to them as they once were to me in fending it off.

“And yet in the end, while it may have convinced others, my own use of such techniques did not convince me.”


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